CPES kick-off meeting hosted in Bognor Regis

The CPES project is launched! For three days, the English and French partners gathered on the campus of the University of Chichester in Bognor Regis, a seaside resort in southern England. Together, they discussed the founding topics of the project to define the work plan for the next 45 months.

During the first day, one of the most important topics was to work together on the work packages and actions to be carried out. The lead partners on each work package must produce a written description for the beginning of the year 2018, named "Project Initiation Document". On the second day, the Joint Secretariat presented important themes relating to the management of European projects: the reimbursement process, the eligibility of expenditure, communication, competition and procurement, and risk management. The third day allowed each partner to present their case study to the other partners and thus embed them in the design of the PES Toolbox and Policy Framework.

All the CPES partners will met for the next meeting in June 2018 in Ploërmel, at the Lac au Duc site in Brittany.
