CPES Toolbox user guide page

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The CPES toolbox has been designed to give those looking to establish a PES an understanding of the tools required. This is achieved by allowing the user to view tools used by the project partners and other tools, not used in the case-studies, that may be equally useful. It revolves mainly around the
flowchart framework below, that highlights the key steps in establishing a scheme. These are ‘Understand the baseline’, ‘Design the scheme’, ‘Implement the scheme’ and ‘Evaluate the scheme’. Stakeholder engagement is a theme that runs throughout, as this was used at all steps by the project partners. The types of questions that might be asked at each of these steps and possible approaches to answering them are exampled in the framework below. As such, the first filter option allows the
user to filter by PES step. Leaving the tick boxes blank will result in tools for all steps being shown, i.e. this criteria won’t be used for filtering. 

Each case study used different tools throughout the process to establish their schemes, as each case study is in a different hydrological, environmental and political setting. For the second filter criteria, users can filter the tools by case study, which allows the user to filter them by case study, o. there is also an option to show any additional tools that were not used but could be equally useful for establishing a PES scheme. Leaving the tick boxes blank will result in all tools for all case studies and additional tools being shown, i.e. this criteria won’t be used for filtering.

The next search criteria allows the user to further filter the tools on the environmental issue, since these vary greatly from one catchment to another. The user can filter by the environmental issues they are concerned with such as ecology, sediment, pesticides etc. Again, there is also an option to
view all tools for all environmental issues, by leaving the tick boxes blank.

The final search criteria allows the user to further filter the tools on the type of tool they are looking for, since these vary greatly from literature to models. Again, there is also an option to view all tools for all types, by leaving the tick boxes blank.

The toolbox will update the results automatically and display a list of tools that fit those criteria. The name of the tools will be displayed and a snap-shot of the tool description. If the user clicks on a tool they’ll be taken to the specific page for that tool, which provides more information on it. That information includes full description, links to associated documents and websites, key uses, examples of use within the CPES project and more.