Happy 2019 with CPES project!
Let's start a new year!
A year has already flown by for the Interreg CPES project! It started in December 2017 with the first partner workshop in Bognor Regis hosted by the University of Chichester, our lead partner. 2018 ended in style with the meeting of the partners on the Normandy pilot sites in December in Evreux. During the past year, many tasks have been completed to pave the way for the construction of payments for ecosystem services in the six case-study catchments. All the partners wish you splendid successes and wonderful discoveries for 2019!

2019, a full agenda!
As 2018 was, 2019 promises to be full of activities! Of course, the two project workshops will be key events in June and December. But also expect multiple activities in each of the case-study areas. Indeed, if 2018 was the year of foundation, 2019 will be the year of implementation. The actions of the partners will focus on the design of the payments for ecosystem services, and by 2020 they will use these financial tools as incentives to change agricultural practices. For the six particular case-studies, there will be six unique PES schemes. The actions to achieve this have already started; follow their evolution over this year!

The news from November to January
Look back on the events of the last three months...
Evreux: A fruitful meeting for the CPES partners
The third seminar of the CPES project ended on December 6th, 2018, after 2 days of meetings and active thinking to begin 2019 on the best tracks....
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Payments for Ecosystem Services, what a topic! Right after the CPES workshop in Evreux (read here), several partners of CPES project took part to a...
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Meeting with the French farming organisations
On  January the 17th 2019, a technical meeting was organised between the French Chamber of Agriculture (APCA) and the Water Companies...
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Meeting of the Western Rother partners
On Wednesday January 14th, 2019, partners of the Western Rother catchment met at Southern Water offices to discuss the actions that will be taken to...
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Experimental economics and co-design of the PES with the farmers of Tremblay-Omonville
Through of one-to-one meetings with the farmers of the Tremblay-Omonville catchment, the SERPN defined the objectives of practices for setting up...
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UR1 studies the ecological state of Lac au Duc
Every month since July 2018, the University of Rennes 1 team visits the Lac au Duc in Ploƫrmel to make measurements and take samples in the water...
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